Softcover, 312 pages, letter-size (8.5″x11″), full-color cover, B&W interior
Stock # EGP42001, ISBN 978-0-615-32186-8
Published 2010
$34.95 print + digital
(Print books switching to a new fulfillment option)
$16.95 digital only
Much more than a simple book of plots, Eureka! stands as one of those essential tools that GMs and game designers will find themselves reaching for again and again. — Game designer Wolfgang Baur, Kobold Quarterly review
In my reading, I found myself getting excited about writing up one of those epic campaigns again! — Daniel Donahoo, Wired
What’s in the book?
Featuring a foreword by gaming industry legend Monte Cook, Eureka contains 501 complete adventure plots usable with almost any roleplaying game, plus GMing advice and tools for making the most of every plot.
If you game once a week, that’s nearly 10 years of adventures, all right here in the largest collection of its kind ever published. Written by nine veteran game masters — the authors of the most widely read game mastering blog on the planet, Gnome Stew — Eureka is more than just adventure seeds.
Each plot includes a hook to draw your players in, an outline detailing enough material for a complete adventure, generally in the form of 3-5 meaty encounters, and any game mastering notes, plot twists, and advice you might need to turn that plot into a fun night of gaming.
Adventure hooks alone don’t give you much to work with, but fully developed adventures can be hard to personalize and fit into an ongoing game. Eureka is the perfect middle ground: We provide the main ingredients, and you decide how to prepare them.
Packed with ideas and inspiration, this massive collection is designed to be the ultimate adventure toolkit:
- Fantasy, science fiction, and horror plots: 167 of each, all easily adaptable to multiple genres
- Clear, concise game mastering advice: We show you how to adapt plots to other genres (effectively giving you 464 fantasy, 420 sci-fi, and 338 horror plots) and how to turn Eureka plots into full-blown adventures
- The tools you need: Plots are grouped by theme, from “Revolt” to “Mistaken Jealousy,” and categorized by tags like intrigue, exploration, and combat-heavy
- Four indexes: Quickly find a plot for any situation by genre, tag, title, or author
- No game mechanics and no proper names: These system-neutral plots are simple to use and easy to personalize to your game
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