The Fantasy chapter of Masks is now in layout

I sent 80,000 words of Masks — the entire fantasy chapter — to our graphic designer tonight. Holy shit has this been a week of busy nights!

The next two weeks look the same: final edits roll in, I review everything as assistant editor, assemble it, format it for easy transfer to InDesign, and Darren lays it out. Sci-fi is next week, Modern the week after that. Then we have a few days for mop-up and, Gygax willing, Masks will be off to the printer.

Interspersed with all that, I’ll be posting three previews, each consisting of a couple of pages from each chapter, so that you can get a very good idea of what the book will be like and whether or not it’s worth your money. I may also do an interior art preview, and we’ll be announcing the author of our foreword soon.

Busy, busy, busy!

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