Engine Publishing is now an imprint of Encoded Designs
As of today, Engine Publishing is now an imprint of Encoded Designs.
After 10 years, I’ve decided it’s time to sell the company. It’s been a fantastic decade: Engine Publishing has put out six bestselling books of system-neutral gaming advice, with over 40,000 copies sold in print and digital editions all over the world. We won an ENnie Award in 2012, and we’ve been nominated for 13 other awards from 2010-2016.
When we published our first book, Eureka, in 2010, our “warehouse” for print books was two rows of stacked boxes under the desk in my home office. After a couple years, it took over the whole office closet. When my family moved to Seattle in 2015, it expanded to fill a good-sized chunk of our storage unit.
In the past 10 years, Engine Publishing has gone from literally just an idea to a company that has succeeded beyond anything I imagined when I signed the paperwork to form the LLC in 2009 — and that’s all thanks to you, the readers and fans who have bought our books and spread the word about them.
Thank you very, very much for your support!
Back in 2009, system-neutral GMing advice books were uncommon, to say the least. But I loved them, and wanted to publish them, and so did the teams behind each of our books. Seeing other gamers use and enjoy our books has always been the best part of the job.
The future
Encoded Designs is a stellar small-press publishing company that believes in what Engine Publishing has done over the past 10 years — and the team includes three longtime collaborators on Engine Publishing projects, founder Phil Vecchione, editor Bob Everson, and art director John Arcadian, along with Chris Sniezak, Shawn Merwin, and Tim Jones.
When I decided I wanted to sell the company, Encoded Designs was my first choice for a potential buyer. Their plan is to continue publishing all six Engine Publishing titles, as well as to expand the brand. They will continue to support past customers, and they’re as committed to the ideal of “a digital copy with every print copy” as I am. Engine Publishing is in excellent hands.
Will I publish anything else down the line? I might. I’ve been putting my work online since 1999; publishing stuff, in some form, is in my blood. But for now I’m still blogging about gaming on Yore and talking about RPGs on Twitter.
It’s been a great ride. Thank you again for your support — truly, it means an enormous amount to me. Cheers, and happy gaming!
— Martin Ralya
Signing off in Seattle, Washington