Sortable Masks NPC matrix

Inspired by Ville Makkonen’s sortable plot matrix for Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters, Masks fan Adrian Thornton created a sortable NPC matrix for Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game. You can download Adrian’s matrix (and Ville’s, and other freebies) on our Free Downloads page.

We put four indexes in Masks for a good reason: With a thousand NPCs, it can be a challenge to find the one you need at the right moment, and we tried to make that as easy as possible. But there’s no substitute for Excel when it comes to sorting, filtering, and drilling down to see exactly what you need, and Adrian’s matrix is an awesome tool for doing just that.

Thanks, Adrian! We appreciate the time and energy you put into this, and we hope other GMs will get great mileage out of it.

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