Softcover, 210 pages, digest-size (6″x9″), full-color cover, B&W interior
Stock # EGP42004, ISBN 978-0-9836133-3-6
Published 2013
$24.95 print + digital
(Print books switching to a new fulfillment option)
$11.95 digital only
If you’re planning on running a campaign, you’ll want this book.” — Critical Hits review
In my opinion Odyssey is a must-have for all newbie and veteran GMs out there who are interested in managing their campaigns better.” — Stargazer’s World review
After reading Odyssey, I came away feeling better about the mistakes I’ve made over the years, and feeling great about the things I know I’ve done well. I’m really excited to apply my newfound knowledge to future campaigns.” — Gamer: The Blogging review
What’s in the book?
Odyssey is jam-packed with in-depth advice on starting, managing, and ending campaigns. Whether you’re an old hand or are new to game mastering, you’ll find a wealth of tips and techniques you can put to immediate use in Odyssey. To our knowledge, Odyssey is the first system-neutral book solely dedicated to the art of managing campaigns.
Odyssey’s authors bring unique perspectives to the topic of campaign management. Phil is a project manager and wrote Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep. Walt is an improvisational game master with years of experience in the tabletop RPG industry. Both write for the award-winning game mastering blog Gnome Stew, and they collaborated on Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game and Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters.
Odyssey is full of practical guidance on campaign management for almost any RPG:
- A guide to starting a new campaign, from coming up with the initial concept to running a smooth first session
- Tips on structuring stories, handling problem players, and making your campaign thrive
- Advice on actively managing every element of your campaign — stories, characters, players, risk, and change — while avoiding common pitfalls
- Examples of how every aspect of campaign management looks when handled well or badly
- How to end campaigns on a high note, including what to avoid
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