Today is the final day to preorder Unframed: The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters

I think of myself as an experienced and veteran GM, but this book had new, exciting, and most importantly useful things to teach me.” — Age of Ravens review

Twenty three short essays from twenty three exceptional Game Masters and creators that will invariably aid you in your quest to make your games better because they reflect what happens, rather than what you have planned.” — Sean’s Pick of the Day review

If you’ve been waiting to preorder our latest book, Unframed: The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters, time is almost up: Preorders close today! I’ll be closing them after work, sometime in the evening (U.S. Mountain Daylight Time).

Preorder Unframed now!

Unframed is our bestselling preorder yet, with 223 orders as of June 26 — 30% more than our previous bestseller, Odyssey, and about 5% over my prediction based on day-one sales.

It has also been well-received so far — you can check out seven reviews of Unframed to see what other folks think about the book. You can also download a free 10-page PDF preview (we’re big believers in “try before you buy.”)

What you’ll receive

When you preorder, you’ll immediately receive the digital edition of Unframed; your print book will follow. This package includes a DRM-free, hyperlinked, bookmarked PDF, plus bonus ebook (epub, mobi for newer devices, mobi for older devices, and Kindle) and plain text versions of Unframed. Engine Publishing believes that all print purchases should include digital versions, and all digital versions should offer multiple options, and we back that belief up with our time and money.

Why preorder?

Preorder because you’re excited about the book! If you love improv, you’ll find plenty of new ideas and refinements to things you may already be doing in Unframed. If you want to improvise more often in your games, Unframed will get you rolling and give you plenty to chew on.

On my end, as the publisher, preorders are the primary way I recoup the costs that go into producing a book like this: writing, editing, layout, artwork, proofreading, printing, digital versions, etc. (This is the biggest financial gamble I’ve taken as a publisher: Unframed cost considerably more to produce than our previous four books.) If you like Engine Publishing and what we do, preordering is a fantastic way to show your support.

Have a peek at the author list and you’ll see why the manuscript was our single largest cost:

  • John Arcadian
  • D. Vincent Baker
  • Meguey Baker
  • Wolfgang Baur
  • Emily Care Boss
  • Walt Ciechanowski
  • Stacy Dellorfano
  • Jess Hartley
  • Kenneth Hite
  • Jennell Jaquays
  • Eloy Lasanta
  • Robin D. Laws
  • Michelle Lyons-McFarland
  • Don Mappin
  • Scott Martin
  • Alex Mayo
  • Jason Morningstar
  • Martin Ralya
  • Kurt Schneider
  • Ken St. Andre
  • Monica Valentinelli
  • Phil Vecchione
  • Filamena Young

I’m not complaining — I thought this book needed to exist, and I knew the caliber of authors I wanted to feature in it. I think you’ll be happy with the results!

Print books ship in early July

Copies of Unframed arrived at my house yesterday, and I’ll be working on packaging them, double-checking order info, and getting them shipped out over the next several days. I anticipate shipping all preorders in early July, as originally planned.

Got questions? Ask away!

If you’re curious how our preorders work, want more info, or want to see what questions other folks have asked, the original announcement has all of that and more. And, of course, you’re welcome to ask me questions here as well!

Many thanks to everyone who has preordered the book so far! If you haven’t and you’re ready to now, preorder Unframed today!

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